Former President Donald Trump wiped out President Joe Biden’s cash advantage last month after turning in blowout fundraising numbers, partly driven by Americans rallying behind the former president following his conviction in the controversial hush money case in New York City.

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee raised $141 million in May, while Biden’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and two joint fundraising committees supporting Biden raised a grand total of only $85 million.

In addition to the $141 million raised by Trump and the RNC, Trump’s Super PAC raised nearly $69 million in May, according to Axios.

Biden had a cash advantage of $100 million over Trump just two months ago, which has evaporated in the last several weeks.


The Trump campaign now leads the Biden campaign with cash-on-hand, $116.6 million to $91.6 million. The Trump campaign and the RNC combined reported $170 million cash on hand compared to $157 million for Biden and the DNC.

The entire political operation backing Biden — his campaign, the DNC, and super PACs — reported having a total of $212 million cash on hand. The Trump team has not yet released its total for the entire political operation backing Trump — his campaign, the RNC, and super PACS.

The fundraising numbers come as numerous polls show Trump maintains a national lead over Biden and in most swing states where the 2024 presidential election could be won or lost.



Former President Donald Trump wiped out President Joe Biden’s cash advantage last month after turning in blowout fundraising numbers, partly driven by Americans rallying behind the former president following his conviction in the controversial hush money case in New York City.

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee raised $141 million in May, while Biden’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and two joint fundraising committees supporting Biden raised a grand total of only $85 million.

In addition to the $141 million raised by Trump and the RNC, Trump’s Super PAC raised nearly $69 million in May, according to Axios.

Biden had a cash advantage of $100 million over Trump just two months ago, which has evaporated in the last several weeks.


The Trump campaign now leads the Biden campaign with cash-on-hand, $116.6 million to $91.6 million. The Trump campaign and the RNC combined reported $170 million cash on hand compared to $157 million for Biden and the DNC.

The entire political operation backing Biden — his campaign, the DNC, and super PACs — reported having a total of $212 million cash on hand. The Trump team has not yet released its total for the entire political operation backing Trump — his campaign, the RNC, and super PACS.

The fundraising numbers come as numerous polls show Trump maintains a national lead over Biden and in most swing states where the 2024 presidential election could be won or lost.



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