For those who don’t spend their Sunday mornings glued to the television — and their Sunday afternoons attempting to dig through a week’s worth of network and cable news media spin — The Daily Wire has compiled a short summary of what you may have missed.

In the days since President Joe Biden squared off with former President Donald Trump on CNN’s debate stage, Biden surrogates in the media and on Capitol Hill — and even the president and his own team at the White House — have been working overtime to convince the general public that Biden is fine, his reelection campaign is fine, and everything is fine.

Still, some cracks have begun to show in the facade as several Democrats have suggested that it may be time for Biden to step aside. And as Biden’s most recent interview — with Democrat operative-turned ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos — did little to reassure faith in the president’s cognitive abilities, Sunday’s political shows showcased his party embracing the five stages of grief.


President Joe Biden, despite an objectively terrible debate performance and a series of less-than-stellar moments since, has his feet firmly planted in denial. Refusing repeatedly to admit that anything is wrong, he continues to mumble and flail his way through public appearances — giving answers that more often than not require the complete attention of a White House clean-up crew.

Biden responded to criticisms by brushing them aside, claiming that he was in top shape and he had no intention of allowing one bad debate to be the end of his presidency: “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump.”

I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work.

I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 5, 2024

“Let me say this as clearly as I can,” Biden began another post. “I’m the sitting President of the United States. I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. I’m staying in the race.”

Let me say this as clearly as I can:

I’m the sitting President of the United States.

I’m the nominee of the Democratic party.

I’m staying in the race.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 5, 2024

But as The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro pointed out, Biden is never more decidedly unclear than when he’s speaking: “Actually, you tweeted it as clearly as you can. If you had said it as clearly as you can, it would have come out like this: ‘Ammrggghhacmonman.’”


Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined anchor Kristen Welker on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” to discuss the situation, and he aired his frustrations over how poorly Biden had been performing in recent polls.

“It should not be even close,” Schiff complained, arguing that in a world apparently concocted in a fever dream, Biden “should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump” because “Joe Biden’s running against a criminal … The only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.”

WATCH: President Biden “should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump. Joe Biden’s running against a criminal. It should not be even close,” @RepAdamSchiff (D-Calif.) tells #MTP.

“There’s only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 7, 2024

Schiff did concede that the debate — and the following interview with Stephanopoulos — had not done enough to assuage public fears that Biden was not up to the job.

The last weeks have “rightfully raised questions … about whether [he] has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump,” Schiff said, adding that if he were advising the president he would say, “Seek out the opinions of people you trust … people with some distance and objectivity.”

WATCH: Pres. Biden’s debate performance “rightfully raised questions … about whether [he] has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump,” @RepAdamSchiff (D-Calif.) says.

His advice for Biden now: “Seek out the opinions of people you trust … people with some distance and objectivity.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 7, 2024


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) joined anchor Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union,” where he said that he still planned to support Biden’s reelection bid but called on the president to step up and do more to reassure the people that he was up to the task.

“I think the president needs to do more,” he said, admitting that especially in light of recent events, “voters do have questions … I don’t know that the interview Friday night did enough to answer those questions, so I think this week is going to be absolutely critical.”

“I think the president needs to do more.”

Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT defends President Biden but acknowledges that “voters do have questions… I don’t know that the interview Friday night did enough to answer those questions, so I think this week is going to be absolutely critical.”

— State of the Union (@CNNSOTU) July 7, 2024


Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile made it clear that she was concerned about Biden’s future — both politically and personally — when she addressed the issue during a panel discussion on ABC News’ “This Week.”

“This is a critical time for the country,” she said of the state of the 2024 election. “It’s a very challenging time for the Democratic Party, perhaps a sad and difficult moment for the Biden family,” she said. “We know the stakes are very high.”

“This is a critical time for the country. It’s a very challenging time for the Democratic Party, perhaps a sad and difficult moment for the Biden family,” former DNC chair @DonnaBrazile says after the debate.

“We know the stakes are very high.”

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) July 7, 2024


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) responded to the situation during an appearance on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” and he acknowledged Biden’s shortcomings — but still suggested that he was the right man for the job.

“What we are talking about now is not a Grammy Award contest for best singer,” Sanders explained. “Biden is old. He’s not articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One — he can’t. What we have got to focus on is policy — whose policies have and will benefit the vast majority of the people in this country.”

“What we are talking about now is not a Grammy Award contest for best singer,” @SenSanders says about the race between President Biden and Donald Trump.

“Biden is old. He’s not articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One — he can’t. What we have…

— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) July 7, 2024

Not everyone was ready to embrace the stages of grief in public, however. “Fox News Sunday” anchor Shannon Bream lamented the fact that not one Democrat had been willing to talk to her and defend Biden staying in the race.



For those who don’t spend their Sunday mornings glued to the television — and their Sunday afternoons attempting to dig through a week’s worth of network and cable news media spin — The Daily Wire has compiled a short summary of what you may have missed.

In the days since President Joe Biden squared off with former President Donald Trump on CNN’s debate stage, Biden surrogates in the media and on Capitol Hill — and even the president and his own team at the White House — have been working overtime to convince the general public that Biden is fine, his reelection campaign is fine, and everything is fine.

Still, some cracks have begun to show in the facade as several Democrats have suggested that it may be time for Biden to step aside. And as Biden’s most recent interview — with Democrat operative-turned ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos — did little to reassure faith in the president’s cognitive abilities, Sunday’s political shows showcased his party embracing the five stages of grief.


President Joe Biden, despite an objectively terrible debate performance and a series of less-than-stellar moments since, has his feet firmly planted in denial. Refusing repeatedly to admit that anything is wrong, he continues to mumble and flail his way through public appearances — giving answers that more often than not require the complete attention of a White House clean-up crew.

Biden responded to criticisms by brushing them aside, claiming that he was in top shape and he had no intention of allowing one bad debate to be the end of his presidency: “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump.”

I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work.

I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 5, 2024

“Let me say this as clearly as I can,” Biden began another post. “I’m the sitting President of the United States. I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party. I’m staying in the race.”

Let me say this as clearly as I can:

I’m the sitting President of the United States.

I’m the nominee of the Democratic party.

I’m staying in the race.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 5, 2024

But as The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro pointed out, Biden is never more decidedly unclear than when he’s speaking: “Actually, you tweeted it as clearly as you can. If you had said it as clearly as you can, it would have come out like this: ‘Ammrggghhacmonman.’”


Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined anchor Kristen Welker on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” to discuss the situation, and he aired his frustrations over how poorly Biden had been performing in recent polls.

“It should not be even close,” Schiff complained, arguing that in a world apparently concocted in a fever dream, Biden “should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump” because “Joe Biden’s running against a criminal … The only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.”

WATCH: President Biden “should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump. Joe Biden’s running against a criminal. It should not be even close,” @RepAdamSchiff (D-Calif.) tells #MTP.

“There’s only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 7, 2024

Schiff did concede that the debate — and the following interview with Stephanopoulos — had not done enough to assuage public fears that Biden was not up to the job.

The last weeks have “rightfully raised questions … about whether [he] has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump,” Schiff said, adding that if he were advising the president he would say, “Seek out the opinions of people you trust … people with some distance and objectivity.”

WATCH: Pres. Biden’s debate performance “rightfully raised questions … about whether [he] has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump,” @RepAdamSchiff (D-Calif.) says.

His advice for Biden now: “Seek out the opinions of people you trust … people with some distance and objectivity.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 7, 2024


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) joined anchor Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union,” where he said that he still planned to support Biden’s reelection bid but called on the president to step up and do more to reassure the people that he was up to the task.

“I think the president needs to do more,” he said, admitting that especially in light of recent events, “voters do have questions … I don’t know that the interview Friday night did enough to answer those questions, so I think this week is going to be absolutely critical.”

“I think the president needs to do more.”

Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT defends President Biden but acknowledges that “voters do have questions… I don’t know that the interview Friday night did enough to answer those questions, so I think this week is going to be absolutely critical.”

— State of the Union (@CNNSOTU) July 7, 2024


Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile made it clear that she was concerned about Biden’s future — both politically and personally — when she addressed the issue during a panel discussion on ABC News’ “This Week.”

“This is a critical time for the country,” she said of the state of the 2024 election. “It’s a very challenging time for the Democratic Party, perhaps a sad and difficult moment for the Biden family,” she said. “We know the stakes are very high.”

“This is a critical time for the country. It’s a very challenging time for the Democratic Party, perhaps a sad and difficult moment for the Biden family,” former DNC chair @DonnaBrazile says after the debate.

“We know the stakes are very high.”

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) July 7, 2024


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) responded to the situation during an appearance on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” and he acknowledged Biden’s shortcomings — but still suggested that he was the right man for the job.

“What we are talking about now is not a Grammy Award contest for best singer,” Sanders explained. “Biden is old. He’s not articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One — he can’t. What we have got to focus on is policy — whose policies have and will benefit the vast majority of the people in this country.”

“What we are talking about now is not a Grammy Award contest for best singer,” @SenSanders says about the race between President Biden and Donald Trump.

“Biden is old. He’s not articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One — he can’t. What we have…

— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) July 7, 2024

Not everyone was ready to embrace the stages of grief in public, however. “Fox News Sunday” anchor Shannon Bream lamented the fact that not one Democrat had been willing to talk to her and defend Biden staying in the race.



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