If you had asked me a little less than half a week ago whether Joe Biden was going to be ousted by his own party, forced out the door, perhaps even bribed to go away, I would have said that seemed very, very unlikely.

But the momentum is building.

And the problem for the Democrats is that they are all now starting to come out of the woodwork and say that Joe Biden needs to go.

How do you put that genie back in the bottle if he doesn’t? This is the biggest problem with which the Democrats have presented themselves. They have now said the quiet part out loud; that the old man is senile and is not capable of carrying out his duties as president of the United States.

But if Biden refuses to go, how do they then twist everything they have been saying for the last week into a narrative where that man has to be president of the United States?

That’s why they’re banking on Biden leaving. Whether he does or not is going to be up to him and really, more importantly, up to the greatest doctor of all time, Dr. Lady Macbeth.

The entire Democratic Party apparatus at this point is beginning to turn on Biden — and is doing so publicly. They’re doing so through leaks. They’re doing so through public statements. At long last, they’re acknowledging the obvious.

The reality is that they have to do this. If they do not, their entire credibility is blown. What Biden did last Thursday night in the presidential debate was not just debate poorly. It was a historically bad decision. The entire Democratic Party apparatus and the entire legacy media were banking on Team Biden to provide them plausible deniability so they could continue to lie that he was basically fine behind closed doors.

That has meant only letting Biden out for extremely short periods of time and not putting him in a position where he looked the way he did at the debate. Then they could plausibly claim he was probably fine, probably ok, and everybody was exaggerating.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

But Team Biden pantsed everyone, and Biden personally pantsed everyone on his own side. He embarrassed all of them. He made them look like fools because now we can all see they’ve been lying for a year or two or three. That makes the entire Democratic Party look terrible. Their credibility is shot. The entire legacy media looks terrible. Their credibility is shot. All because Joe Biden insisted to his aides he was ready and raring to go and that he wanted to debate Donald Trump and would take him down in one fell swoop.

It turns out that listening to the demands of a delusional, senile old man in the middle of a presidential election is a really, really bad idea.

Before the debate, I would have said the chances of Biden dropping out of the race were 1% or 2%. But now that has risen to 30 or 40%. Can Joe Biden withstand the rising tsunami of rage inside his own party?

They might figure out a way to get Biden to relinquish the nomination. Perhaps they go to Joe and say, “Listen, if you step out, if you declare you’re not going to run again and you hand this thing over to Kamala Harris, we’ll find some way to get you a $100 million check. We’ll find some way to make you and your family exorbitantly wealthy for the rest of time. We’ll build you a beautiful presidential library. We’ll make the entire Democratic National Convention about the historic achievement of getting rid of Donald Trump and about the magic that you have done as president. And then you can give an amazing valedictory speech and walk off into the sunset as a hero of the Republic who recognized that he couldn’t stop Trump, but he had to step out of the way for someone who could.”

It’s an inside-outside game. They’re making that friendly pitch inside on the outside. The Democratic Party has turned like a snarling dog against the guy who is leading their party.

It’s something I’ve never seen in American politics before. I’m not sure anyone has seen it in American politics before. The closest comp might be the Democratic rebellion against Hubert Humphrey as the nominee after Lyndon Johnson stepped out and Robert F. Kennedy was killed in 1968.

But even that is not comparable because Humphrey was not the sitting president of the United States at the time. Joe Biden is the sitting president. This race is still somewhat tight, although Trump is starting to pull away in the aftermath of this debate. A new CNN poll published this week shows Trump is now nationally leading Biden by six points, the same result CNN had back in April

But even if Biden were to argue that the debate hasn’t changed the race, it doesn’t change the race he would lose. If Biden were to lose the popular vote by six points, that would be a historic whooping, the likes of which we have not seen in the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

The evidence that the Democratic Party has turned on Biden is clear, based on all the leaks happening now. The Biden administration was not particularly leaky before. All of a sudden, it has sprung leaks like the Titanic. It hit the iceberg that was the debate, and the water is pouring into the whole team. Biden is shifting deckchairs up top, but the rest of the Democratic Party is loading into those lifeboats.

Puck News obtained a Biden internal polling memo and found that in virtually every state, he has dropped at least two points in the polling.

Those leaks of polling numbers are being accompanied by new leaks to the New York Times and other friendly publications about just how non compos mentis Joe Biden is. These leaks undermine the case that the legacy media, Team Biden, and the Democratic Party are making, which is that we are “shocked, shocked to find that Joe Biden is senile.”

But aides are now coming out of the woodwork and trying to protect themselves by basically saying, “Listen, we were told to lie, right? We were just being good soldiers. We’ve known for a long time that Joe Biden is out of it. But we are the people who want to stop Donald Trump. The party told us that we had to stop Donald Trump by propping up the old man, and so we did it.”

So there is an internal battle inside the Democratic Party: people who want to keep Biden, which is basically just the Biden family at this point, and then everyone else. And there is an internal battle between the Biden aides, who are trying to defend their own record, and the Democratic Party and the legacy media trying to claim, implausibly, that they had no idea Biden was this bad.

What you’re starting to see is a full-scale collapse inside the Democratic Party.

No one wants to be the first one to knife Julius Caesar, one Democratic Party official said.

But — no matter who didn’t want to be the first one, Julius Caesar got knifed.

Barack Obama is also now coming out of the woodwork, leaking to the press that maybe Joe doesn’t have it. No one in the world would be happier than Barack Obama to see Joe Biden go down in absolute flames. He would love it. Why? Biden and Obama do not get along. Obama does not like Biden; he thinks he’s a fool. He nominated him in an attempt to look somewhat moderate in 2008, and he’s been living with that bad decision ever since.

Biden’s collapse presents an existential level threat to the legacy media, which stapled themselves to Obama’s a** cheeks in 2008 and have not been able to separate themselves from the Democratic Party ever since.

Now, they can ride this bomb all the way down to the ground like Slim Pickens in “Dr. Strangelove.”



If you had asked me a little less than half a week ago whether Joe Biden was going to be ousted by his own party, forced out the door, perhaps even bribed to go away, I would have said that seemed very, very unlikely.

But the momentum is building.

And the problem for the Democrats is that they are all now starting to come out of the woodwork and say that Joe Biden needs to go.

How do you put that genie back in the bottle if he doesn’t? This is the biggest problem with which the Democrats have presented themselves. They have now said the quiet part out loud; that the old man is senile and is not capable of carrying out his duties as president of the United States.

But if Biden refuses to go, how do they then twist everything they have been saying for the last week into a narrative where that man has to be president of the United States?

That’s why they’re banking on Biden leaving. Whether he does or not is going to be up to him and really, more importantly, up to the greatest doctor of all time, Dr. Lady Macbeth.

The entire Democratic Party apparatus at this point is beginning to turn on Biden — and is doing so publicly. They’re doing so through leaks. They’re doing so through public statements. At long last, they’re acknowledging the obvious.

The reality is that they have to do this. If they do not, their entire credibility is blown. What Biden did last Thursday night in the presidential debate was not just debate poorly. It was a historically bad decision. The entire Democratic Party apparatus and the entire legacy media were banking on Team Biden to provide them plausible deniability so they could continue to lie that he was basically fine behind closed doors.

That has meant only letting Biden out for extremely short periods of time and not putting him in a position where he looked the way he did at the debate. Then they could plausibly claim he was probably fine, probably ok, and everybody was exaggerating.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

But Team Biden pantsed everyone, and Biden personally pantsed everyone on his own side. He embarrassed all of them. He made them look like fools because now we can all see they’ve been lying for a year or two or three. That makes the entire Democratic Party look terrible. Their credibility is shot. The entire legacy media looks terrible. Their credibility is shot. All because Joe Biden insisted to his aides he was ready and raring to go and that he wanted to debate Donald Trump and would take him down in one fell swoop.

It turns out that listening to the demands of a delusional, senile old man in the middle of a presidential election is a really, really bad idea.

Before the debate, I would have said the chances of Biden dropping out of the race were 1% or 2%. But now that has risen to 30 or 40%. Can Joe Biden withstand the rising tsunami of rage inside his own party?

They might figure out a way to get Biden to relinquish the nomination. Perhaps they go to Joe and say, “Listen, if you step out, if you declare you’re not going to run again and you hand this thing over to Kamala Harris, we’ll find some way to get you a $100 million check. We’ll find some way to make you and your family exorbitantly wealthy for the rest of time. We’ll build you a beautiful presidential library. We’ll make the entire Democratic National Convention about the historic achievement of getting rid of Donald Trump and about the magic that you have done as president. And then you can give an amazing valedictory speech and walk off into the sunset as a hero of the Republic who recognized that he couldn’t stop Trump, but he had to step out of the way for someone who could.”

It’s an inside-outside game. They’re making that friendly pitch inside on the outside. The Democratic Party has turned like a snarling dog against the guy who is leading their party.

It’s something I’ve never seen in American politics before. I’m not sure anyone has seen it in American politics before. The closest comp might be the Democratic rebellion against Hubert Humphrey as the nominee after Lyndon Johnson stepped out and Robert F. Kennedy was killed in 1968.

But even that is not comparable because Humphrey was not the sitting president of the United States at the time. Joe Biden is the sitting president. This race is still somewhat tight, although Trump is starting to pull away in the aftermath of this debate. A new CNN poll published this week shows Trump is now nationally leading Biden by six points, the same result CNN had back in April

But even if Biden were to argue that the debate hasn’t changed the race, it doesn’t change the race he would lose. If Biden were to lose the popular vote by six points, that would be a historic whooping, the likes of which we have not seen in the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

The evidence that the Democratic Party has turned on Biden is clear, based on all the leaks happening now. The Biden administration was not particularly leaky before. All of a sudden, it has sprung leaks like the Titanic. It hit the iceberg that was the debate, and the water is pouring into the whole team. Biden is shifting deckchairs up top, but the rest of the Democratic Party is loading into those lifeboats.

Puck News obtained a Biden internal polling memo and found that in virtually every state, he has dropped at least two points in the polling.

Those leaks of polling numbers are being accompanied by new leaks to the New York Times and other friendly publications about just how non compos mentis Joe Biden is. These leaks undermine the case that the legacy media, Team Biden, and the Democratic Party are making, which is that we are “shocked, shocked to find that Joe Biden is senile.”

But aides are now coming out of the woodwork and trying to protect themselves by basically saying, “Listen, we were told to lie, right? We were just being good soldiers. We’ve known for a long time that Joe Biden is out of it. But we are the people who want to stop Donald Trump. The party told us that we had to stop Donald Trump by propping up the old man, and so we did it.”

So there is an internal battle inside the Democratic Party: people who want to keep Biden, which is basically just the Biden family at this point, and then everyone else. And there is an internal battle between the Biden aides, who are trying to defend their own record, and the Democratic Party and the legacy media trying to claim, implausibly, that they had no idea Biden was this bad.

What you’re starting to see is a full-scale collapse inside the Democratic Party.

No one wants to be the first one to knife Julius Caesar, one Democratic Party official said.

But — no matter who didn’t want to be the first one, Julius Caesar got knifed.

Barack Obama is also now coming out of the woodwork, leaking to the press that maybe Joe doesn’t have it. No one in the world would be happier than Barack Obama to see Joe Biden go down in absolute flames. He would love it. Why? Biden and Obama do not get along. Obama does not like Biden; he thinks he’s a fool. He nominated him in an attempt to look somewhat moderate in 2008, and he’s been living with that bad decision ever since.

Biden’s collapse presents an existential level threat to the legacy media, which stapled themselves to Obama’s a** cheeks in 2008 and have not been able to separate themselves from the Democratic Party ever since.

Now, they can ride this bomb all the way down to the ground like Slim Pickens in “Dr. Strangelove.”



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