A recent survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Board has shed light on a concerning trend in the United States. The survey revealed that a significant portion of adults, specifically twenty-eight percent, were forced to delay or forego necessary medical care in the year 2022. The primary reason for this unfortunate situation is the inability to afford the associated costs.

Free not necessarily free. As someone who had to utilize this program in 2023 temporarily. You get what you pay for leaving those who can handle a large monthly bill going to private coverage and those in the middle getting squeezed to pay for the “free”

This data is alarming and highlights the critical need for affordable healthcare in the United States. The inability to access necessary medical care can have severe consequences, including worsening health conditions and even death. It is essential to address this issue urgently to ensure that all individuals have access to the medical care they need to maintain their health and well-being.

The Federal Reserve Board’s survey serves as a reminder of the importance of affordable healthcare and the need for policy changes to ensure that everyone has access to necessary medical care. It is time for policymakers to take action and implement solutions that will make healthcare accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial situation.

The survey’s results are a cause for concern, and it is essential to prioritize affordable healthcare in the United States. It is time for policymakers to take action and ensure that everyone has access to the medical care they need to maintain their health and well-being.

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