A newly formed caucus formed by Democrats that promises to address “root causes” of migration around the world is founded by a trio of Democrats with a history of advocating for radical policies in the United States, including full amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Called the Congressional Caucus on Global Migration, the caucus is co-chaired by three Democrat congressmen. The trio says that the caucus exists to inform Congress of the “root causes” of migration, reframing the immigration debate away from border security and towards America’s alleged role in the instability of foreign countries.

“Generalized violence, civil wars, human rights violations, democratic backsliding, economic exclusion, and climate instability are just some of the current crises driving families away from their homes in search of safety and stability,” a memo from the newly-formed caucus reads. “The Congressional Caucus on Global Migration will position Congress as an effective ally to global efforts to create a safer, more equitable world where people can build the life they want and deserve at home.”

While the caucus has presented itself as if it is searching for innovative ways to decrease mass illegal immigration to the United States, its leadership has advocated for policies that make illegal immigration into the United States more attractive, effectively rewarding those who illegally enter the country.

One of the caucus co-chairs, Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX) boasts that he supports “a permanent end to xenophobic travel bans” and “a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S,” a figure that some experts say severely undercounts the true number of illegal immigrants present in the country.

“For far too long, our nation’s laws have denied immigrant families basic dignity and human rights,” Casar says. “I support a full overhaul of our inhumane immigration system.” The Democrat congressman has also advocated for the Biden administration to accept refugees from Gaza.

There’s also Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-IL), another Democrat with a demonstrated history of advocating for illegal immigrants. Ramirez, who is married to an illegal immigrant covered by the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, boasts that she has “consistently called for executive and congressional action to protect Dreamers and to provide relief to long-term undocumented immigrants across the nation.”

Ramirez is also one of the leaders behind a legislative effort to offer amnesty to DACA recipients like her husband, as well as to those with Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure status.

The third caucus leader is Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D-CA), a congresswoman who has repeatedly voted against border security measures. Kamlager-Dove voted against the Secure the Border Act, a bill that Heritage Action said “represents the strongest and most consequential border security and immigration enforcement legislation to date.”

Kamlager-Dove also voted against one bill that bars illegal immigrants from voting in elections in the District of Columbia, as well as another that would require the Department of Homeland Security to deport illegal immigrants who are arrested or charged with assaulting a police officer or other first responders.

The attempt from the three Democrats to reframe the immigration debate away from border security comes as the Biden administration has presided over an unprecedented increase in illegal immigration. Immigration authorities have recorded over 9.5 million nationwide encounters and 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant gotaways during the Democrat’s presidential term.

The surge in illegal immigration has been so severe that it has propelled the foreign-born population in the United States to a new all-time high of 51.6 million.

Representatives Casar, Ramirez, and Kamlager-Dove did not respond to a request for comment.



A newly formed caucus formed by Democrats that promises to address “root causes” of migration around the world is founded by a trio of Democrats with a history of advocating for radical policies in the United States, including full amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Called the Congressional Caucus on Global Migration, the caucus is co-chaired by three Democrat congressmen. The trio says that the caucus exists to inform Congress of the “root causes” of migration, reframing the immigration debate away from border security and towards America’s alleged role in the instability of foreign countries.

“Generalized violence, civil wars, human rights violations, democratic backsliding, economic exclusion, and climate instability are just some of the current crises driving families away from their homes in search of safety and stability,” a memo from the newly-formed caucus reads. “The Congressional Caucus on Global Migration will position Congress as an effective ally to global efforts to create a safer, more equitable world where people can build the life they want and deserve at home.”

While the caucus has presented itself as if it is searching for innovative ways to decrease mass illegal immigration to the United States, its leadership has advocated for policies that make illegal immigration into the United States more attractive, effectively rewarding those who illegally enter the country.

One of the caucus co-chairs, Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX) boasts that he supports “a permanent end to xenophobic travel bans” and “a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S,” a figure that some experts say severely undercounts the true number of illegal immigrants present in the country.

“For far too long, our nation’s laws have denied immigrant families basic dignity and human rights,” Casar says. “I support a full overhaul of our inhumane immigration system.” The Democrat congressman has also advocated for the Biden administration to accept refugees from Gaza.

There’s also Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-IL), another Democrat with a demonstrated history of advocating for illegal immigrants. Ramirez, who is married to an illegal immigrant covered by the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, boasts that she has “consistently called for executive and congressional action to protect Dreamers and to provide relief to long-term undocumented immigrants across the nation.”

Ramirez is also one of the leaders behind a legislative effort to offer amnesty to DACA recipients like her husband, as well as to those with Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure status.

The third caucus leader is Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D-CA), a congresswoman who has repeatedly voted against border security measures. Kamlager-Dove voted against the Secure the Border Act, a bill that Heritage Action said “represents the strongest and most consequential border security and immigration enforcement legislation to date.”

Kamlager-Dove also voted against one bill that bars illegal immigrants from voting in elections in the District of Columbia, as well as another that would require the Department of Homeland Security to deport illegal immigrants who are arrested or charged with assaulting a police officer or other first responders.

The attempt from the three Democrats to reframe the immigration debate away from border security comes as the Biden administration has presided over an unprecedented increase in illegal immigration. Immigration authorities have recorded over 9.5 million nationwide encounters and 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant gotaways during the Democrat’s presidential term.

The surge in illegal immigration has been so severe that it has propelled the foreign-born population in the United States to a new all-time high of 51.6 million.

Representatives Casar, Ramirez, and Kamlager-Dove did not respond to a request for comment.



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