When the demand for racism far exceeds the supply, the inevitable result is that you get race hoaxes. And there are now so many race hoaxes in this country that we have entire genres of race hoaxes to catalog. There’s the Jussie Smollet-style hoax, where you fake a racist attack. There’s the graffiti-style race hoax, where you spray-paint something racist on a wall or a car or something like that. And of course there’s the restaurant-receipt-style race hoax, where someone leaves a racist message on a receipt.

One of the more prominent racist receipt hoaxes is the one that happened at the Saltgrass steakhouse a few years back, when a customer supposedly wrote the words, “We don’t tip terrorists” on his receipt, because the waiter looked like he was from the Middle East or something. The waiter put out a social media post saying the receipt is proof that racism is alive and well. “This racism and this hatred still exists,” he posted on Instagram. The restaurant immediately announced it was banning the customer for life because the waiter obviously wouldn’t lie about something like that. Only for the waiter to eventually admit what every sane person already knew, which is that he fabricated the whole thing.

These race hoaxes are all so predictable that you’d be forgiven for believing that innovation is truly dead in the race hoax industry. Race hoaxes have become a lot like iPhones. There’s no real variation from year to year. You just keep getting the same thing over and over again. And that’s true, for the most part.

There was one very notable recent exception to this general rule, however, and it comes to us from Charles County, Maryland. For the first time in recorded history, we have a twist on the restaurant receipt race hoax.

The spin is that, in this case, the receipt isn’t actually being faked by anyone. It is a 100% accurate receipt, according to all parties involved. So in that sense, this is something of an upgrade over the typical genre standbys that we’re all used to. Unfortunately, in every other respect this is one of the dumbest race hoaxes to ever occur in this country. It’s so extraordinarily low-IQ and insulting to the intelligence of everyone involved that it defies comprehension as to why a single news station, anywhere, would cover this complete non-story, except maybe to laugh at it. But some news outlets — both national and local — did cover the story with a straight face. Here’s one of those stations:

“Racism is still alive,” he says, pretending to be upset. It’s what the Saltgrass waiter said a couple of years ago, too. Of course the irony is that, if racism were still alive as they say, they wouldn’t need to make it up. We’re supposed to think that these hoaxers are really angry that racism is still alive, but of course the opposite is true. They want racism to exist so badly that they’re willing to invent it. They hope that their race hoax will follow the familiar pattern: the social media outrage, followed by the termination of the allegedly offending party, followed by a big payout, followed by them taking their place alongside the great civil rights heroes of all time — men like George Floyd and Michael Brown.

And they’re not quite sure how to react when that pattern doesn’t play out. Notice in that video that the man assumes the teenage employee will be fired, even though Chick-fil-A has already said he won’t be. He says, well it’s sad he might have to lose his job, but he needs to learn the lesson. It’s as if he can’t process the fact that he’s being told that no, the Chick-fil-A employee didn’t actually suffer any kind of harm.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Nevertheless, the man says he’s thinking about filing a federal lawsuit against Chick-fil-A because that receipt was just “devastating” for him. He’s never going back to that Chick-fil-A ever again because apparently the equivalent of the KKK has taken it over. Whenever they see a black customer they just write “monkey” on the receipt because that’s how racist they are at this particular Chick-fil-A.

This is the narrative that the media is reporting, without any pushback whatsoever, even though it’s extremely obvious that this was a misunderstanding on the part of the employee. The guy’s name is “Marquise,” which does sound very close to “monkeys,” depending on how you say it. If his name was Bob or Larry or something, then he might have more of a case. Then you could maybe convince someone that this was a malicious attempt to communicate some racist message to this customer, for some reason. But as it stands, it’s pretty clear what happened. He probably either said “Marquise” or “monkeys” in the drive-thru lane and either way, the employee thought he heard “monkeys.”

We can be pretty sure of that because the alternative makes no sense whatsoever. This Chick-fil-A is in Maryland. This drive-thru employee probably serves dozens of black customers a day. Does he call them all racial slurs or did he just randomly select this guy for no particular reason? Did he wake up and decide, you know what, I’m going to call a customer a monkey today. And I’m going to put it in writing. Is there a single person who actually believes that’s a plausible scenario?

And yet the media uncritically reports on the customer’s “trauma.” Then he makes his pitch for a lawsuit, which is really a shakedown. He’s essentially telling Chick-fil-A to pay up, or he’s going to smear them as much as possible. If you watch the video this guy recorded in the Chick-fil-A — which I won’t play because it’s painful to listen to — he immediately demands that the employee lose his job. And then he promises to make the clip go “viral.” He went directly into making threats as soon as he saw an opportunity.

Tickets for “Am I Racist?” are on sale NOW! Buy here for a theater near you.

This is inexcusable behavior obviously, but it’s also predictable. This is the kind of response that a lot of people will have when everyone in the media is telling them, at every opportunity, that they’re a victim because of their skin color. It’s what happens when some people are bombarded with lies about how oppressed they are. And that’s happening constantly, right out in the open.

The other day, for example, the actor and singer Tyrese had a conversation with the race hustling ambulance chaser Ben Crump. And Tyrese made a claim that’s clearly false, and also clearly designed to stoke as much racial animosity and resentment as possible. And of course Ben Crump, the alleged lawyer, agreed with it. Watch:

Tyrese calls out Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for signing a hate crime bill to protect Asians but skipping over Black and Latino people who are being killed. pic.twitter.com/v4Ltb9LQEW

— The Art Of Dialogue (@ArtOfDialogue_) September 1, 2024


Tyrese claims, bizarrely, that there are no hate crime laws protecting black and brown people. Never mind that every hate crime law protects those groups and most of them were written specifically to protect those groups. Just last week Kamala was once again promoting the “anti-lynching” act that the Biden Admin signed into law a couple of years ago. That was yet another hate crime bill written specifically to protect black people from a form of violence that none of them have suffered in at least forty years. Also, as I covered last week, lynching is already illegal about three times over. This made it illegal a fourth time.

As to the specific legislation that Tyrese is talking about, he’s wrong about that, too. There was no bill that only punishes anti-Asian hate crimes. The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which is apparently what he’s referring to, applied to all forms of “hate crime.” It just made it easier to report and catalog these incidents. A lot of people pointed this out online, so it’s not a particularly convincing lie, either.

And as I’ve discussed before, this is all a moot point anyway because hate crimes shouldn’t be an actual category of crime. For one thing, a lot of crimes committed against other people typically involve some form of hatred. So we don’t need a special category for certain kinds of hatred. For another thing, hate crimes aren’t prosecuted or reported with any kind of consistency.


Those are legitimate complaints you can make about hate crimes legislation. But the idea that they don’t protect black and brown people is complete nonsense. In the Ahmaud Arbery case, after the state secured the murder convictions, the feds went back and prosecuted those defendants for hate crimes because of racist text messages they had sent — before the murder, about someone other than Ahmaud Arbery. It was an entirely separate prosecution. They got guilty pleas and additional life sentences because of it. But apparently those hate crimes laws don’t exist, according to Tyrese and Ben Crump.

This is the same kind of race hustling that Barack Obama specialized in, but these people aren’t anywhere near as good at it. Obama could look the camera in the eye and wag his finger and say whatever he wanted. He could convince a lot of people that hate crimes laws only protect white people if he wanted to. But Tyrese and Ben Crump aren’t so gifted. They’re not anywhere near as coherent. Their pandering is too obvious.

In fact, right now there aren’t many prominent members of the Democrat Party who are capable of pulling off the Obama-style hustle. Kamala Harris certainly isn’t capable of it. Even in scripted moments — pretty much the only moments that her handlers will allow her to have — she can’t do it. Take a look at these two clips from Kamala Harris events yesterday. One’s in Detroit and the other’s in Pennsylvania. They’re just a few hours apart. See if you notice any differences:

Kamala in Detroit vs. Kamala in Pittsburgh — literally 5 hours apart

The difference is insane pic.twitter.com/ZPXXr2BHe7

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 2, 2024


So in the Detroit speech, she’s once again trying to sound urban but instead ends up sounding like Foghorn Leghorn. She’s trying to connect with black voters by changing her accent and tone, but, ironically, winds up sounding something like a plantation owner in the Antebellum south. Meanwhile in the Pennsylvania clip she sounds completely different. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton did this kind of thing all the time, but they at least waited a few hours before dropping their fake accents. They didn’t leave the “urban environment” and immediately start speaking normally again. So this may be the single worst attempt at “code switching,” or whatever you want to call it, that’s ever been attempted. But Kamala attempted it anyway. Whatever this is — whether it’s desperation or incompetence or both — it’s a clear sign that Democrats aren’t going to change their tactics just because they don’t have the talent to pull it off. They still have no problem being completely shameless in their attempts to divide this country along racial lines.

So the media will continue to tell us that innocuous restaurant receipts are racist. Ben Crump will nod along as an actor lies about hate crimes. And Kamala Harris will do everything she can to prevent people from realizing she grew up in a wealthy neighborhood in Montreal. Put it all together, and it’s clear that the Left’s racial pandering is now so overt that it manages to insult the intelligence of the people they’re pandering to. This is inevitably what happens when the demand for racism outstrips the supply — you get hoax after hoax after hoax. Eventually, the hoaxes start looking a bit too familiar and too obvious. That’s what we’re seeing now. The fraud is clearer than it ever was. And if Kamala Harris made anything clear yesterday, it’s that she’s incapable of hiding it.



When the demand for racism far exceeds the supply, the inevitable result is that you get race hoaxes. And there are now so many race hoaxes in this country that we have entire genres of race hoaxes to catalog. There’s the Jussie Smollet-style hoax, where you fake a racist attack. There’s the graffiti-style race hoax, where you spray-paint something racist on a wall or a car or something like that. And of course there’s the restaurant-receipt-style race hoax, where someone leaves a racist message on a receipt.

One of the more prominent racist receipt hoaxes is the one that happened at the Saltgrass steakhouse a few years back, when a customer supposedly wrote the words, “We don’t tip terrorists” on his receipt, because the waiter looked like he was from the Middle East or something. The waiter put out a social media post saying the receipt is proof that racism is alive and well. “This racism and this hatred still exists,” he posted on Instagram. The restaurant immediately announced it was banning the customer for life because the waiter obviously wouldn’t lie about something like that. Only for the waiter to eventually admit what every sane person already knew, which is that he fabricated the whole thing.

These race hoaxes are all so predictable that you’d be forgiven for believing that innovation is truly dead in the race hoax industry. Race hoaxes have become a lot like iPhones. There’s no real variation from year to year. You just keep getting the same thing over and over again. And that’s true, for the most part.

There was one very notable recent exception to this general rule, however, and it comes to us from Charles County, Maryland. For the first time in recorded history, we have a twist on the restaurant receipt race hoax.

The spin is that, in this case, the receipt isn’t actually being faked by anyone. It is a 100% accurate receipt, according to all parties involved. So in that sense, this is something of an upgrade over the typical genre standbys that we’re all used to. Unfortunately, in every other respect this is one of the dumbest race hoaxes to ever occur in this country. It’s so extraordinarily low-IQ and insulting to the intelligence of everyone involved that it defies comprehension as to why a single news station, anywhere, would cover this complete non-story, except maybe to laugh at it. But some news outlets — both national and local — did cover the story with a straight face. Here’s one of those stations:

“Racism is still alive,” he says, pretending to be upset. It’s what the Saltgrass waiter said a couple of years ago, too. Of course the irony is that, if racism were still alive as they say, they wouldn’t need to make it up. We’re supposed to think that these hoaxers are really angry that racism is still alive, but of course the opposite is true. They want racism to exist so badly that they’re willing to invent it. They hope that their race hoax will follow the familiar pattern: the social media outrage, followed by the termination of the allegedly offending party, followed by a big payout, followed by them taking their place alongside the great civil rights heroes of all time — men like George Floyd and Michael Brown.

And they’re not quite sure how to react when that pattern doesn’t play out. Notice in that video that the man assumes the teenage employee will be fired, even though Chick-fil-A has already said he won’t be. He says, well it’s sad he might have to lose his job, but he needs to learn the lesson. It’s as if he can’t process the fact that he’s being told that no, the Chick-fil-A employee didn’t actually suffer any kind of harm.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Nevertheless, the man says he’s thinking about filing a federal lawsuit against Chick-fil-A because that receipt was just “devastating” for him. He’s never going back to that Chick-fil-A ever again because apparently the equivalent of the KKK has taken it over. Whenever they see a black customer they just write “monkey” on the receipt because that’s how racist they are at this particular Chick-fil-A.

This is the narrative that the media is reporting, without any pushback whatsoever, even though it’s extremely obvious that this was a misunderstanding on the part of the employee. The guy’s name is “Marquise,” which does sound very close to “monkeys,” depending on how you say it. If his name was Bob or Larry or something, then he might have more of a case. Then you could maybe convince someone that this was a malicious attempt to communicate some racist message to this customer, for some reason. But as it stands, it’s pretty clear what happened. He probably either said “Marquise” or “monkeys” in the drive-thru lane and either way, the employee thought he heard “monkeys.”

We can be pretty sure of that because the alternative makes no sense whatsoever. This Chick-fil-A is in Maryland. This drive-thru employee probably serves dozens of black customers a day. Does he call them all racial slurs or did he just randomly select this guy for no particular reason? Did he wake up and decide, you know what, I’m going to call a customer a monkey today. And I’m going to put it in writing. Is there a single person who actually believes that’s a plausible scenario?

And yet the media uncritically reports on the customer’s “trauma.” Then he makes his pitch for a lawsuit, which is really a shakedown. He’s essentially telling Chick-fil-A to pay up, or he’s going to smear them as much as possible. If you watch the video this guy recorded in the Chick-fil-A — which I won’t play because it’s painful to listen to — he immediately demands that the employee lose his job. And then he promises to make the clip go “viral.” He went directly into making threats as soon as he saw an opportunity.

Tickets for “Am I Racist?” are on sale NOW! Buy here for a theater near you.

This is inexcusable behavior obviously, but it’s also predictable. This is the kind of response that a lot of people will have when everyone in the media is telling them, at every opportunity, that they’re a victim because of their skin color. It’s what happens when some people are bombarded with lies about how oppressed they are. And that’s happening constantly, right out in the open.

The other day, for example, the actor and singer Tyrese had a conversation with the race hustling ambulance chaser Ben Crump. And Tyrese made a claim that’s clearly false, and also clearly designed to stoke as much racial animosity and resentment as possible. And of course Ben Crump, the alleged lawyer, agreed with it. Watch:

Tyrese calls out Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for signing a hate crime bill to protect Asians but skipping over Black and Latino people who are being killed. pic.twitter.com/v4Ltb9LQEW

— The Art Of Dialogue (@ArtOfDialogue_) September 1, 2024


Tyrese claims, bizarrely, that there are no hate crime laws protecting black and brown people. Never mind that every hate crime law protects those groups and most of them were written specifically to protect those groups. Just last week Kamala was once again promoting the “anti-lynching” act that the Biden Admin signed into law a couple of years ago. That was yet another hate crime bill written specifically to protect black people from a form of violence that none of them have suffered in at least forty years. Also, as I covered last week, lynching is already illegal about three times over. This made it illegal a fourth time.

As to the specific legislation that Tyrese is talking about, he’s wrong about that, too. There was no bill that only punishes anti-Asian hate crimes. The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which is apparently what he’s referring to, applied to all forms of “hate crime.” It just made it easier to report and catalog these incidents. A lot of people pointed this out online, so it’s not a particularly convincing lie, either.

And as I’ve discussed before, this is all a moot point anyway because hate crimes shouldn’t be an actual category of crime. For one thing, a lot of crimes committed against other people typically involve some form of hatred. So we don’t need a special category for certain kinds of hatred. For another thing, hate crimes aren’t prosecuted or reported with any kind of consistency.


Those are legitimate complaints you can make about hate crimes legislation. But the idea that they don’t protect black and brown people is complete nonsense. In the Ahmaud Arbery case, after the state secured the murder convictions, the feds went back and prosecuted those defendants for hate crimes because of racist text messages they had sent — before the murder, about someone other than Ahmaud Arbery. It was an entirely separate prosecution. They got guilty pleas and additional life sentences because of it. But apparently those hate crimes laws don’t exist, according to Tyrese and Ben Crump.

This is the same kind of race hustling that Barack Obama specialized in, but these people aren’t anywhere near as good at it. Obama could look the camera in the eye and wag his finger and say whatever he wanted. He could convince a lot of people that hate crimes laws only protect white people if he wanted to. But Tyrese and Ben Crump aren’t so gifted. They’re not anywhere near as coherent. Their pandering is too obvious.

In fact, right now there aren’t many prominent members of the Democrat Party who are capable of pulling off the Obama-style hustle. Kamala Harris certainly isn’t capable of it. Even in scripted moments — pretty much the only moments that her handlers will allow her to have — she can’t do it. Take a look at these two clips from Kamala Harris events yesterday. One’s in Detroit and the other’s in Pennsylvania. They’re just a few hours apart. See if you notice any differences:

Kamala in Detroit vs. Kamala in Pittsburgh — literally 5 hours apart

The difference is insane pic.twitter.com/ZPXXr2BHe7

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 2, 2024


So in the Detroit speech, she’s once again trying to sound urban but instead ends up sounding like Foghorn Leghorn. She’s trying to connect with black voters by changing her accent and tone, but, ironically, winds up sounding something like a plantation owner in the Antebellum south. Meanwhile in the Pennsylvania clip she sounds completely different. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton did this kind of thing all the time, but they at least waited a few hours before dropping their fake accents. They didn’t leave the “urban environment” and immediately start speaking normally again. So this may be the single worst attempt at “code switching,” or whatever you want to call it, that’s ever been attempted. But Kamala attempted it anyway. Whatever this is — whether it’s desperation or incompetence or both — it’s a clear sign that Democrats aren’t going to change their tactics just because they don’t have the talent to pull it off. They still have no problem being completely shameless in their attempts to divide this country along racial lines.

So the media will continue to tell us that innocuous restaurant receipts are racist. Ben Crump will nod along as an actor lies about hate crimes. And Kamala Harris will do everything she can to prevent people from realizing she grew up in a wealthy neighborhood in Montreal. Put it all together, and it’s clear that the Left’s racial pandering is now so overt that it manages to insult the intelligence of the people they’re pandering to. This is inevitably what happens when the demand for racism outstrips the supply — you get hoax after hoax after hoax. Eventually, the hoaxes start looking a bit too familiar and too obvious. That’s what we’re seeing now. The fraud is clearer than it ever was. And if Kamala Harris made anything clear yesterday, it’s that she’s incapable of hiding it.



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