Recently, Victor Davis Hanson delved into the left’s apparent hysteria at the prospect of Donald Trump’s potential return. In his few minutes of calm, reasoned, non-ad-hominem, and fact-driven analysis, Hanson provides insights into the current political climate.n the realm of American politics, there exists a deep-seated perception that views Donald Trump not just as a political rival, but as an existential threat. This perception is vividly captured in the imagery of Trump being likened to a vampire, with his adversaries attempting to strike a stake into his heart, but fearing that it could be dislodged at any moment.

According to Hanson, there is a growing fear among Trump’s adversaries that he has become more formidable and justified in his anger due to perceived injustices against him. They are terrified of the potential for his comeback, driven not only by political ambition but also by a personal vendetta, which could make him an unpredictable and determined opponent.

The concern on the left, as a potential victory for a MAGA candidate, coupled with control over the House and the Senate, could result in a significant shift in power dynamics. This could lead to aggressive investigations and possibly retribution against figures in the current administration.

Hanson argues that Trump’s potential retribution would not be unwarranted. He highlights the detachment from reality and effectiveness of the Democratic party’s strategies and policies, ranging from border control to economic management. Such decisions prioritize ideology over practical governance, a sentiment that few would deem rational.

This political landscape reflects a polarized environment where party allegiance often takes precedence over objective assessment of policies. The deductive principle of “we are better… and therefore the following must happen” drives decision-making, reinforcing perceived dogmatism in the political process.

Hanson paints a  picture of the current political climate, drawing parallels to authoritarian regimes. He suggests that a mentality of ‘us versus them’ prevails, where belonging to the right political faction offers protection and benefits, while dissent leads to persecution.

Undoubtedly, American politics has become a battleground of ideologies, with high stakes for those who choose to engage in it. 

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