After school board members walked out on parents who were upset over LGBT book “The Rainbow Parade,” the board is doubling down and prohibiting public comments at meetings until at least the end of April, citing alleged racism.

As reported by The Daily Wire, residents in Penfield, New York, tried to raise concerns at a school board meeting on Tuesday about an explicit LGBT book out on display at the school’s elementary library, called “The Rainbow Parade,” which is about a young girl with two mothers who take her to a Pride Parade. However, the board walked out on parents before public comments began, telling attendees they must submit written complaints only.

Now, the board representing Penfield Central School District has barred public comment at all meetings for the months ahead.

“Our district values the voices of all community members and encourages constructive engagement,” an email from School Board President Dr. Emily Roberts reads. “However, respect, civility, and adherence to meeting protocols must be upheld to ensure that all discussions remain productive.”

“With this in mind, we have decided to pause public comment at BOE (Board of Education) meetings during the months of March and April so that we can all work together restoring a positive environment in which respectful conversations can take place,” Roberts continued. “In the meantime, should you have concerns you wish to bring to the Board’s attention, please email us.”

The message also cited alleged racism, since one of the board meeting attendees showed up on Tuesday wearing a gorilla suit and a black “Make America Great Again” hat. Roberts suggested it was worn as an act of racism, since the district’s superintendent and some of the board members are black.

The Daily Wire has reached out to the district’s superintendent, Dr. Tasha Potter, about the controversy, but did not receive a response.

As noted by The Daily Wire, “The Rainbow Parade” includes illustrations that show men in sexual BDSM gear, drag queens, and others are naked.

“That’s not how you object, so, if you cannot, again, follow by what we ask you to do, we will ask you – we will ask those people who cannot do that to be removed,” a board member said at Tuesday’s meeting. “We are here at our board meeting, conducting our business.”

Kimberly DeRosa, who attended the meeting, told The Daily Wire that parents want an end to any sexualized content in classrooms and the library. She added that residents will vote for new school board members in May, and some of the candidates for those positions were in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting.

Related: School Board Walks Out On Parents Angry Over ‘Rainbow Parade’ Book For Kindergarteners



After school board members walked out on parents who were upset over LGBT book “The Rainbow Parade,” the board is doubling down and prohibiting public comments at meetings until at least the end of April, citing alleged racism.

As reported by The Daily Wire, residents in Penfield, New York, tried to raise concerns at a school board meeting on Tuesday about an explicit LGBT book out on display at the school’s elementary library, called “The Rainbow Parade,” which is about a young girl with two mothers who take her to a Pride Parade. However, the board walked out on parents before public comments began, telling attendees they must submit written complaints only.

Now, the board representing Penfield Central School District has barred public comment at all meetings for the months ahead.

“Our district values the voices of all community members and encourages constructive engagement,” an email from School Board President Dr. Emily Roberts reads. “However, respect, civility, and adherence to meeting protocols must be upheld to ensure that all discussions remain productive.”

“With this in mind, we have decided to pause public comment at BOE (Board of Education) meetings during the months of March and April so that we can all work together restoring a positive environment in which respectful conversations can take place,” Roberts continued. “In the meantime, should you have concerns you wish to bring to the Board’s attention, please email us.”

The message also cited alleged racism, since one of the board meeting attendees showed up on Tuesday wearing a gorilla suit and a black “Make America Great Again” hat. Roberts suggested it was worn as an act of racism, since the district’s superintendent and some of the board members are black.

The Daily Wire has reached out to the district’s superintendent, Dr. Tasha Potter, about the controversy, but did not receive a response.

As noted by The Daily Wire, “The Rainbow Parade” includes illustrations that show men in sexual BDSM gear, drag queens, and others are naked.

“That’s not how you object, so, if you cannot, again, follow by what we ask you to do, we will ask you – we will ask those people who cannot do that to be removed,” a board member said at Tuesday’s meeting. “We are here at our board meeting, conducting our business.”

Kimberly DeRosa, who attended the meeting, told The Daily Wire that parents want an end to any sexualized content in classrooms and the library. She added that residents will vote for new school board members in May, and some of the candidates for those positions were in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting.

Related: School Board Walks Out On Parents Angry Over ‘Rainbow Parade’ Book For Kindergarteners



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