Israel just reshaped the entire politics of the Middle East.

Hezbollah, a massive Lebanese terrorist group that is really an Iranian proxy group, is a party in the Lebanese government. It has been named as a State Department-designated terror organization as well as an Arab League-designated terrorist organization. Lebanon has been turned into a chaotic hellhole by Iranian and Syrian intervention in the state, and Hezbollah is a major part of the government there.

In 2000, Israel pulled out of southern Lebanon, which had been used by the Palestine Liberation Organization and Hezbollah as a launching point for terror attacks on Israel. Israel did not want to police that area of Lebanon after having fought to keep a buffer zone in southern Lebanon to make sure southern Lebanon was not used as a launching off point.

So in 2000, Israel completely withdrew in the same way they withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005. It turns out that unilateral Israeli withdrawals tend to be stupid and not work well.

In 2006, there was a fairly major war, a roughly five-week war, between the Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon and the Israelis. The Israelis pounded southern Lebanon pretty hard. That war was concluded with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which called for a demilitarization of southern Lebanon from Hezbollah to be guaranteed by UNIFIL, a U.N. sponsored set of fake troops.

Immediately upon Israel withdrawing again, that entire area was taken over by Hezbollah, armed to the teeth.

Thus, the widespread perception in the aftermath of October 7 was that the greater military threat to Israel was not Hamas in the south, but Hezbollah in the north which was reportedly armed with up to 200,000 rockets. They also had sophisticated weaponry capable of hitting towers in Tel Aviv.

Throughout the war they were fighting with Hamas, Israel had to contend with the possibility of Hezbollah getting in, a risk which would put Israel in the middle of a two-front war.

As it turned out, because of the Biden-Harris administration’s pressure on Israel and the fact that Biden-Harris drew so many stupid ideas from the Obama administration about the Middle East, Israel doesn’t just face a one-front war in the south, or a two-front war in the north and the south. Instead, they essentially face a seven-front war, which includes the Iranian-sponsored Houthis in Yemen, the Iraqi-Iranian sponsored terror groups in Iraq, the Iranian-sponsored terror groups in Syria, direct Iranian attacks from Iran, and attacks from the West Bank sponsored by Iran.

Basically, Iran motivated all of its proxies on October 7 and beyond to attack Israel in the hopes of sinking any sort of nascent peace deal between Israel and the Sunni Gulf Arab world. That was what they were trying to forestall. They were hoping that by initiating a conflict, a broader Muslim versus Jew conflict would arise as opposed to a Shia versus Israel/Sunni conflict, which is the way the Middle East was breaking down.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

The Abraham Accords were largely about Israel and the Sunni Gulf Arabs deciding that Iran was a greater threat, and they were going to get together, develop together, shake hands, and move into the future together in opposition to the ayatollahs in Iran.

Iran could see what was being fostered. So they attempted to initiate a Muslim versus Jew war on October 7, part of which was Hezbollah’s activation in the south of Lebanon to shoot rockets into Israel.

Then for approximately 11 months, Hezbollah shot rockets into Israel. Between 8,000 and 10,000 rockets were fired into northern Israel forcing Israel to evacuate large swathes of its north. Some 70,000 to 100,000 Israelis are not living in their homes and have not for nearly a year at this point.

A couple of weeks ago, Israel decided it had enough — that enough was enough. So Israel initiated what people are calling Operation Grim Beeper, the single most hilarious and effective anti-terror operation in history.

15 years ago Israel founded a fake beeper company. The Mossad did this. They knew Hassan Nasrallah, who was the evil terrorist head of Hezbollah, would eventually realize all of his communications were being hacked, and he would move to older methods of communications like beepers. Hezbollah was afraid that if they used iPhones, Israel would hack the iPhones and monitor all their communications, so they started using beepers in about February or March of this year.

Israel blew up all the beepers simultaneously a couple of weeks ago, thereby not only handicapping thousands of Hezbollah terrorists, but also destroying their entire method of communication. They then followed that up by bombing all of their walkie talkies when they moved from the beepers to their secondary mode of communication.

It turns out, they bought those from the Israelis also.

Hezbollah’s methods of communication were gone. Their top infrastructure was largely damaged, and they didn’t really have the ability to do anything because Israel had such great intelligence penetration into Lebanon that it was simultaneously launching some 1,600 air assaults over the course of 36 hours, destroying about half of Hezbollah’s long range of weaponry.

The mark of a first-world country, the mark of a proper military, is not that you never get surprised. The mark of a proper country is that if you do get surprised and you get hurt, you hit back so hard that the people who hit you no longer exist, nor do any of their friends.

The mark of America being a first-world country was when we got hit at Pearl Harbor, we then proceeded to launch two of the most destructive assaults on our enemies in world history, on the Japanese and on the Germans. The mark of the power of the United States is that after September 11, we took down two countries. These are marks of actual power.

Israel got hit on October 7 in a massive disaster, the worst intelligence and human disaster in the history of the state of Israel.

They then proceeded to completely root out Hamas. But they had the Hezbollah threat in the north. And that threat in the north had been used by Hamas as a rationale for not surrendering the hostages because they were hoping that if it came down to it, Hezbollah would get full-scale in the war, and the intimidation factor of Hezbollah in the north would force Israel to make concessions to Hamas, including leaving them in power in the Gaza Strip.

Israel has now completely taken that off the table because not only did they wreck Hezbollah’s foreign operating power, they took two of Iran’s proxies off the board: Hamas and Hezbollah.

And that was before what happened on Friday.

As for Iran itself, Iran does not actually have the forward operating capacity in the absence of its proxies to attack Israel in any sort of serious or sophisticated way.

Earlier this year, Iran tried to launch an attack on Israel. They fired 300 cruise missiles and drones at Israel, and about half of them fell into Iran and the rest of them were shot down by Israel and its Western allies, including Jordan and some from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia also shot down some simultaneously-fired missiles from the Houthis.

So what does that mean? It means that Iran has basically demonstrated it is a paper tiger. Iran needed to be viewed as something exceptionally scary in the region because that was the only rationale for Israel and the allies not taking out its nuclear program. Only if Iran was scary did Iran get to continue to bargain with the United States and the West — and have the United States and the West under people like Barack Obama and Joe Biden sign them billions of dollars of checks because they’re so scary.

Israel has been pursuing the single most effective military operation in modern history. Israel has lost zero soldiers in Lebanon so far. Zero. And they have proceeded to take out virtually all of Hezbollah’s long-range military capacity and their entire leadership structure. All of it.

On Friday, Hezbollah’s leader was killed by Israel. Hassan Nasrallah took over Hezbollah in the early 1990s, happened to be a genocidal Jew-hater, a Christian-hater, and the leader of a group that is responsible for hundreds of American deaths and the deaths of tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims who are siding against the Assad regime. 

The Sunni Gulf state Arab nations are ecstatic about what Israel is doing right now. Israel is wrecking all of their enemies. Everybody in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, and Egypt — although the Egyptians are never going to let this out of the bag, but this is the reality. 

All of the same people that Israel is wrecking right now are enemies of the Sunni Gulf states. The Houthis fired a cruise missile at Tel Aviv after the killing of Nasrallah. Israel waited three or four days and then they blew up a couple of ports.  While the Biden administration is sitting with its thumb in its mouth while the Houthis attack shipping in the Red Sea, the Israelis flew a thousand miles to blow up ports.

Israel is reshaping the entire region. It’s an astonishing move. Not only have they taken Hamas off the board as a workable piece in the Iranian proxy war, but they have also now effectively castrated Hezbollah as a serious forward operating base for Iran.

This leaves Iran, which is not capable of doing serious damage to Israel if their assault earlier in the year was any indication. Israel is significantly more capable of doing serious damage to Iran’s nuclear facilities and oil fields than Iran is capable of doing the other way around.

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And Israel is doing this while the United States, the most powerful military force on planet Earth by leaps and bounds, is allowing a ragtag bunch of terrorists funded by Iran to fire on shipping in the Red Sea with near impunity, to fire at American ships without serious retaliation, and to kill Americans. 

One of the reasons Israel can penetrate into places like Lebanon and Iran, where they killed Ismail Haniyeh, the political head of Hamas, is because there are so many people in these places who hate these regimes.

There are a lot of people in Lebanon who hated Hassan Nasrallah. Syrians were handing out candies in the streets after hearing about his death. When it comes to Iran, the people of Iran don’t like the regime. It’s just the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the world’s largest terrorist organization, which is in charge of this terror regime, and now Ayatollah Khamenei has reportedly gone into hiding.

Israel is showing the power of strength right now. And the Sunni Gulf states are going to sign back on because here’s what they see: They see that Israel is the future. They see an alliance with Israel is the future. They see that Iran is the past.

And despite the fact that the Biden administration has blown it six ways from Sunday — despite the leash being held by the Biden administration, the slow-walking of aid, the soft arms embargo, the Joe Biden idiotic midnight phone calls telling Israel not to go into Rafah, telling Israel not to go take the win with regard to Iran — Israel has said, no, we are going to protect ourselves.

That is smart and that is good. It means a better Middle East for the United States. It means a Middle East with a series of allies who are stronger than American enemies.

Iran hates the United States. They chant, “Death to America.” Hezbollah chants, “Death to America.” The Houthis’ slogan is, “Death to America, Death to the Jews.”

Strengthening the alliance against those enemies would be the smart move. But Biden, because he is a moron, has not done that. The Financial Times reported that in the days after October 7, Israeli warplanes took off with instructions to kill Nasrallah, and Biden got on the phone demanding Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu not do it.

So what did the Israelis do this time? They said we’re not calling.

There’s no more Mr. Nice Zionist over there.

And that means the world will be a safer and better place.



Israel just reshaped the entire politics of the Middle East.

Hezbollah, a massive Lebanese terrorist group that is really an Iranian proxy group, is a party in the Lebanese government. It has been named as a State Department-designated terror organization as well as an Arab League-designated terrorist organization. Lebanon has been turned into a chaotic hellhole by Iranian and Syrian intervention in the state, and Hezbollah is a major part of the government there.

In 2000, Israel pulled out of southern Lebanon, which had been used by the Palestine Liberation Organization and Hezbollah as a launching point for terror attacks on Israel. Israel did not want to police that area of Lebanon after having fought to keep a buffer zone in southern Lebanon to make sure southern Lebanon was not used as a launching off point.

So in 2000, Israel completely withdrew in the same way they withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005. It turns out that unilateral Israeli withdrawals tend to be stupid and not work well.

In 2006, there was a fairly major war, a roughly five-week war, between the Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon and the Israelis. The Israelis pounded southern Lebanon pretty hard. That war was concluded with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which called for a demilitarization of southern Lebanon from Hezbollah to be guaranteed by UNIFIL, a U.N. sponsored set of fake troops.

Immediately upon Israel withdrawing again, that entire area was taken over by Hezbollah, armed to the teeth.

Thus, the widespread perception in the aftermath of October 7 was that the greater military threat to Israel was not Hamas in the south, but Hezbollah in the north which was reportedly armed with up to 200,000 rockets. They also had sophisticated weaponry capable of hitting towers in Tel Aviv.

Throughout the war they were fighting with Hamas, Israel had to contend with the possibility of Hezbollah getting in, a risk which would put Israel in the middle of a two-front war.

As it turned out, because of the Biden-Harris administration’s pressure on Israel and the fact that Biden-Harris drew so many stupid ideas from the Obama administration about the Middle East, Israel doesn’t just face a one-front war in the south, or a two-front war in the north and the south. Instead, they essentially face a seven-front war, which includes the Iranian-sponsored Houthis in Yemen, the Iraqi-Iranian sponsored terror groups in Iraq, the Iranian-sponsored terror groups in Syria, direct Iranian attacks from Iran, and attacks from the West Bank sponsored by Iran.

Basically, Iran motivated all of its proxies on October 7 and beyond to attack Israel in the hopes of sinking any sort of nascent peace deal between Israel and the Sunni Gulf Arab world. That was what they were trying to forestall. They were hoping that by initiating a conflict, a broader Muslim versus Jew conflict would arise as opposed to a Shia versus Israel/Sunni conflict, which is the way the Middle East was breaking down.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

The Abraham Accords were largely about Israel and the Sunni Gulf Arabs deciding that Iran was a greater threat, and they were going to get together, develop together, shake hands, and move into the future together in opposition to the ayatollahs in Iran.

Iran could see what was being fostered. So they attempted to initiate a Muslim versus Jew war on October 7, part of which was Hezbollah’s activation in the south of Lebanon to shoot rockets into Israel.

Then for approximately 11 months, Hezbollah shot rockets into Israel. Between 8,000 and 10,000 rockets were fired into northern Israel forcing Israel to evacuate large swathes of its north. Some 70,000 to 100,000 Israelis are not living in their homes and have not for nearly a year at this point.

A couple of weeks ago, Israel decided it had enough — that enough was enough. So Israel initiated what people are calling Operation Grim Beeper, the single most hilarious and effective anti-terror operation in history.

15 years ago Israel founded a fake beeper company. The Mossad did this. They knew Hassan Nasrallah, who was the evil terrorist head of Hezbollah, would eventually realize all of his communications were being hacked, and he would move to older methods of communications like beepers. Hezbollah was afraid that if they used iPhones, Israel would hack the iPhones and monitor all their communications, so they started using beepers in about February or March of this year.

Israel blew up all the beepers simultaneously a couple of weeks ago, thereby not only handicapping thousands of Hezbollah terrorists, but also destroying their entire method of communication. They then followed that up by bombing all of their walkie talkies when they moved from the beepers to their secondary mode of communication.

It turns out, they bought those from the Israelis also.

Hezbollah’s methods of communication were gone. Their top infrastructure was largely damaged, and they didn’t really have the ability to do anything because Israel had such great intelligence penetration into Lebanon that it was simultaneously launching some 1,600 air assaults over the course of 36 hours, destroying about half of Hezbollah’s long range of weaponry.

The mark of a first-world country, the mark of a proper military, is not that you never get surprised. The mark of a proper country is that if you do get surprised and you get hurt, you hit back so hard that the people who hit you no longer exist, nor do any of their friends.

The mark of America being a first-world country was when we got hit at Pearl Harbor, we then proceeded to launch two of the most destructive assaults on our enemies in world history, on the Japanese and on the Germans. The mark of the power of the United States is that after September 11, we took down two countries. These are marks of actual power.

Israel got hit on October 7 in a massive disaster, the worst intelligence and human disaster in the history of the state of Israel.

They then proceeded to completely root out Hamas. But they had the Hezbollah threat in the north. And that threat in the north had been used by Hamas as a rationale for not surrendering the hostages because they were hoping that if it came down to it, Hezbollah would get full-scale in the war, and the intimidation factor of Hezbollah in the north would force Israel to make concessions to Hamas, including leaving them in power in the Gaza Strip.

Israel has now completely taken that off the table because not only did they wreck Hezbollah’s foreign operating power, they took two of Iran’s proxies off the board: Hamas and Hezbollah.

And that was before what happened on Friday.

As for Iran itself, Iran does not actually have the forward operating capacity in the absence of its proxies to attack Israel in any sort of serious or sophisticated way.

Earlier this year, Iran tried to launch an attack on Israel. They fired 300 cruise missiles and drones at Israel, and about half of them fell into Iran and the rest of them were shot down by Israel and its Western allies, including Jordan and some from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia also shot down some simultaneously-fired missiles from the Houthis.

So what does that mean? It means that Iran has basically demonstrated it is a paper tiger. Iran needed to be viewed as something exceptionally scary in the region because that was the only rationale for Israel and the allies not taking out its nuclear program. Only if Iran was scary did Iran get to continue to bargain with the United States and the West — and have the United States and the West under people like Barack Obama and Joe Biden sign them billions of dollars of checks because they’re so scary.

Israel has been pursuing the single most effective military operation in modern history. Israel has lost zero soldiers in Lebanon so far. Zero. And they have proceeded to take out virtually all of Hezbollah’s long-range military capacity and their entire leadership structure. All of it.

On Friday, Hezbollah’s leader was killed by Israel. Hassan Nasrallah took over Hezbollah in the early 1990s, happened to be a genocidal Jew-hater, a Christian-hater, and the leader of a group that is responsible for hundreds of American deaths and the deaths of tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims who are siding against the Assad regime. 

The Sunni Gulf state Arab nations are ecstatic about what Israel is doing right now. Israel is wrecking all of their enemies. Everybody in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, and Egypt — although the Egyptians are never going to let this out of the bag, but this is the reality. 

All of the same people that Israel is wrecking right now are enemies of the Sunni Gulf states. The Houthis fired a cruise missile at Tel Aviv after the killing of Nasrallah. Israel waited three or four days and then they blew up a couple of ports.  While the Biden administration is sitting with its thumb in its mouth while the Houthis attack shipping in the Red Sea, the Israelis flew a thousand miles to blow up ports.

Israel is reshaping the entire region. It’s an astonishing move. Not only have they taken Hamas off the board as a workable piece in the Iranian proxy war, but they have also now effectively castrated Hezbollah as a serious forward operating base for Iran.

This leaves Iran, which is not capable of doing serious damage to Israel if their assault earlier in the year was any indication. Israel is significantly more capable of doing serious damage to Iran’s nuclear facilities and oil fields than Iran is capable of doing the other way around.

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And Israel is doing this while the United States, the most powerful military force on planet Earth by leaps and bounds, is allowing a ragtag bunch of terrorists funded by Iran to fire on shipping in the Red Sea with near impunity, to fire at American ships without serious retaliation, and to kill Americans. 

One of the reasons Israel can penetrate into places like Lebanon and Iran, where they killed Ismail Haniyeh, the political head of Hamas, is because there are so many people in these places who hate these regimes.

There are a lot of people in Lebanon who hated Hassan Nasrallah. Syrians were handing out candies in the streets after hearing about his death. When it comes to Iran, the people of Iran don’t like the regime. It’s just the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the world’s largest terrorist organization, which is in charge of this terror regime, and now Ayatollah Khamenei has reportedly gone into hiding.

Israel is showing the power of strength right now. And the Sunni Gulf states are going to sign back on because here’s what they see: They see that Israel is the future. They see an alliance with Israel is the future. They see that Iran is the past.

And despite the fact that the Biden administration has blown it six ways from Sunday — despite the leash being held by the Biden administration, the slow-walking of aid, the soft arms embargo, the Joe Biden idiotic midnight phone calls telling Israel not to go into Rafah, telling Israel not to go take the win with regard to Iran — Israel has said, no, we are going to protect ourselves.

That is smart and that is good. It means a better Middle East for the United States. It means a Middle East with a series of allies who are stronger than American enemies.

Iran hates the United States. They chant, “Death to America.” Hezbollah chants, “Death to America.” The Houthis’ slogan is, “Death to America, Death to the Jews.”

Strengthening the alliance against those enemies would be the smart move. But Biden, because he is a moron, has not done that. The Financial Times reported that in the days after October 7, Israeli warplanes took off with instructions to kill Nasrallah, and Biden got on the phone demanding Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu not do it.

So what did the Israelis do this time? They said we’re not calling.

There’s no more Mr. Nice Zionist over there.

And that means the world will be a safer and better place.



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