Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote extensively about Robert Redfield in his scorching 2021 book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health.” Kennedy denounced Redfield, the former director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as both a “charlatan” and a “pretender,” and tore into him for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

So he was very surprised when Redfield emphatically endorsed his efforts to fight chronic disease in a Tuesday op-ed for Newsweek.

“I believe him,” wrote Redfield. “And I think President Trump will empower him. I support their noble effort to heal our children.”

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign organized a lunch between the two men that same day at the Madison Hotel in Washington, D.C., where they ended up chatting for over three hours, a person who was in the room told The Daily Wire.

Kennedy reportedly brought up the book first thing, jokingly apologetic that he was so tough on Redfield. When Redfield waved it off, saying he didn’t care, Kennedy asked him if he had actually read the book. Every page of it, Redfield responded — and he wished he brought it so Kennedy could autograph it.

They then proceeded to launch into a three-hour discussion on COVID, vaccines, chronic disease, and the future of America’s children.

A picture of the two men shared with The Daily Wire shows Redfield leaning on his hand, listening intently as Kennedy speaks over a steak lunch.

The first common ground the pair found together: Anthony Fauci.

Redfield and Kennedy had similar opinions about the NIH official, the person in the room said, spending about their first hour discussing the COVID pandemic and what had transpired. They came to the conclusion that the Trump team had been lied to, both by government bureaucrats and health companies, throughout the entire COVID response.

They also found common ground as they discussed mistakes that had been made in the deployment and development of the coronavirus vaccines. And the men reportedly agreed that the government never should have imposed a vaccine mandate.

The pair then turned to childhood chronic disease, and spent the two hours engaged in a serious discussion about what could be done to help American children. Redfield reportedly offered his help to Kennedy in whatever way the latter might need, and they plan to continue talking in the future.

“The first thing he said to me is ‘You got everything right,’” Kennedy said of the meeting.

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield told RFK Jr. upon meeting him for the first time today: “You got everything right.”

— American Values 🗽 (@AV24org) September 25, 2024

Redfield’s embrace of Kennedy follows the former presidential candidate’s August 26 endorsement of Trump, when Trump praised Kennedy’s “decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children.”

“Nobody’s done more,” Trump said of Kennedy. “Millions and millions of Americans who want clean air, clean water, and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our foods.”

“That is why today, I’m repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with Bobby to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and many more,” Trump added. “We want every child in America to grow up and to live a long and healthy life.”

The Daily Wire previously reported that the Kennedy endorsement is drawing a new crowd of voters to Trump: the health and wellness crowd, many of whom formerly voted independent or Democrat.

“I have been waiting my entire adult voting life for a presidential candidate to acknowledge how sick our country is,” influencer Courtney Swan told The Daily Wire earlier this month.

Swan was one of a cohort of high-profile health influencers and medical experts who descended on Capitol Hill this week to raise awareness about the spiraling state of American health during a roundtable discussion on “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion,” led by Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

For four hours on Monday, senators listened to the health experts and influencers express deep concerns about the state of American food, chronic diseases, and the difficulties that the average American mother faces as she tries to buy food for her kids that isn’t saturated with seed oils, food dyes, chemicals, and toxins. They argued that Americans are being poisoned by their food — and if lawmakers don’t take action, the United States could face a genocidal health collapse.  

 “If the current trends continue, if the graphs continue in the way that they are going, at best we are going to face profound societal instability, and decreased American competitiveness, and at worst, we’re going to be looking at a genocidal-level health collapse in our country, and the world,” argued Dr. Casey Means. 

Means and others pointed to troubling health statistics. Chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease are the leading causes of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — and the “leading drivers of the nation’s $4.5 trillion in annual health care costs.” Close to 30% of American teens are prediabetic, more than 18% of young adults have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and cancer rates among young people are rising.

Experts have predicted that by 2030, almost half of United States adults will be severely obese, and data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey found that 93% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy.

In one memorable moment during the roundtable, health activist Jason Karp ripped open two different boxes of Kellogg’s Fruit Loops on camera to demonstrate how many more food dyes are in U.S. cereal than Canadian cereal, telling the assembled lawmakers: “This is the brightness of artificial food dyes. Of course, Kellogg and other food companies will argue, children prefer this over this, just as they would prefer cocaine over sugar! That doesn’t make it ok.”

Fitness expert Jillian Michaels went on a now-viral tear as she described the chronic disease epidemic as an “extinction level event,” arguing that people have been “sacrificed at the altar of corporate greed” and that corporations are purposefully poisoning Americans for profit. 

“The buck must stop with you, while the American people tend to the business of raising children and participating in the workforce to ensure that the wheels of our country go round,” she told lawmakers. “They tapped you to stand watch. They tapped you to stand guard.”

“We must hold these bad actors accountable,” she added. “If this current trend is allowed to persist, the stakes will be untenable. We are in the middle of an extinction level event. The American people need help, they need heroes, and people of Washington, your constituents chose you to be their champion. Please, be the change.” 

JUST NOW – JILLIAN MICHAELS GETS A STANDING OVATION, for this EPIC PRESENTATION about the Chronic Disease Epidemic, one she describes as “an extinction level event”. THIS IS A MUST WATCH

“What has happened to us? I’m here to tell you, in the late 70’s and the early 80’s, a…

— Humanspective (@Humanspective) September 23, 2024

On Thursday, Texas agriculture commissioner Sid Miller published an op-ed in Fox News expressing support for Kennedy.

“Food production is not only a matter of national security and well-being – and a sizable chunk of all economic activity – it is our birthright,” he wrote. “Today, with the leadership of President Trump and RFK Jr., America stands at the edge of a new dawn in sustainable, profitable and healthy farming that preserves our environment and supports this essential American industry.”

“Making America healthy again isn’t just about how we look on the beach, it’s about healing our culture and our nation from the ground up, and we must start with our children,” he added. “President Trump will lead us into this brighter, healthier future – and he chose the right man for the job in Robert Kennedy.”



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote extensively about Robert Redfield in his scorching 2021 book, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health.” Kennedy denounced Redfield, the former director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as both a “charlatan” and a “pretender,” and tore into him for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

So he was very surprised when Redfield emphatically endorsed his efforts to fight chronic disease in a Tuesday op-ed for Newsweek.

“I believe him,” wrote Redfield. “And I think President Trump will empower him. I support their noble effort to heal our children.”

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign organized a lunch between the two men that same day at the Madison Hotel in Washington, D.C., where they ended up chatting for over three hours, a person who was in the room told The Daily Wire.

Kennedy reportedly brought up the book first thing, jokingly apologetic that he was so tough on Redfield. When Redfield waved it off, saying he didn’t care, Kennedy asked him if he had actually read the book. Every page of it, Redfield responded — and he wished he brought it so Kennedy could autograph it.

They then proceeded to launch into a three-hour discussion on COVID, vaccines, chronic disease, and the future of America’s children.

A picture of the two men shared with The Daily Wire shows Redfield leaning on his hand, listening intently as Kennedy speaks over a steak lunch.

The first common ground the pair found together: Anthony Fauci.

Redfield and Kennedy had similar opinions about the NIH official, the person in the room said, spending about their first hour discussing the COVID pandemic and what had transpired. They came to the conclusion that the Trump team had been lied to, both by government bureaucrats and health companies, throughout the entire COVID response.

They also found common ground as they discussed mistakes that had been made in the deployment and development of the coronavirus vaccines. And the men reportedly agreed that the government never should have imposed a vaccine mandate.

The pair then turned to childhood chronic disease, and spent the two hours engaged in a serious discussion about what could be done to help American children. Redfield reportedly offered his help to Kennedy in whatever way the latter might need, and they plan to continue talking in the future.

“The first thing he said to me is ‘You got everything right,’” Kennedy said of the meeting.

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield told RFK Jr. upon meeting him for the first time today: “You got everything right.”

— American Values 🗽 (@AV24org) September 25, 2024

Redfield’s embrace of Kennedy follows the former presidential candidate’s August 26 endorsement of Trump, when Trump praised Kennedy’s “decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children.”

“Nobody’s done more,” Trump said of Kennedy. “Millions and millions of Americans who want clean air, clean water, and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our foods.”

“That is why today, I’m repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with Bobby to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and many more,” Trump added. “We want every child in America to grow up and to live a long and healthy life.”

The Daily Wire previously reported that the Kennedy endorsement is drawing a new crowd of voters to Trump: the health and wellness crowd, many of whom formerly voted independent or Democrat.

“I have been waiting my entire adult voting life for a presidential candidate to acknowledge how sick our country is,” influencer Courtney Swan told The Daily Wire earlier this month.

Swan was one of a cohort of high-profile health influencers and medical experts who descended on Capitol Hill this week to raise awareness about the spiraling state of American health during a roundtable discussion on “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion,” led by Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

For four hours on Monday, senators listened to the health experts and influencers express deep concerns about the state of American food, chronic diseases, and the difficulties that the average American mother faces as she tries to buy food for her kids that isn’t saturated with seed oils, food dyes, chemicals, and toxins. They argued that Americans are being poisoned by their food — and if lawmakers don’t take action, the United States could face a genocidal health collapse.  

 “If the current trends continue, if the graphs continue in the way that they are going, at best we are going to face profound societal instability, and decreased American competitiveness, and at worst, we’re going to be looking at a genocidal-level health collapse in our country, and the world,” argued Dr. Casey Means. 

Means and others pointed to troubling health statistics. Chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease are the leading causes of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — and the “leading drivers of the nation’s $4.5 trillion in annual health care costs.” Close to 30% of American teens are prediabetic, more than 18% of young adults have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and cancer rates among young people are rising.

Experts have predicted that by 2030, almost half of United States adults will be severely obese, and data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey found that 93% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy.

In one memorable moment during the roundtable, health activist Jason Karp ripped open two different boxes of Kellogg’s Fruit Loops on camera to demonstrate how many more food dyes are in U.S. cereal than Canadian cereal, telling the assembled lawmakers: “This is the brightness of artificial food dyes. Of course, Kellogg and other food companies will argue, children prefer this over this, just as they would prefer cocaine over sugar! That doesn’t make it ok.”

Fitness expert Jillian Michaels went on a now-viral tear as she described the chronic disease epidemic as an “extinction level event,” arguing that people have been “sacrificed at the altar of corporate greed” and that corporations are purposefully poisoning Americans for profit. 

“The buck must stop with you, while the American people tend to the business of raising children and participating in the workforce to ensure that the wheels of our country go round,” she told lawmakers. “They tapped you to stand watch. They tapped you to stand guard.”

“We must hold these bad actors accountable,” she added. “If this current trend is allowed to persist, the stakes will be untenable. We are in the middle of an extinction level event. The American people need help, they need heroes, and people of Washington, your constituents chose you to be their champion. Please, be the change.” 

JUST NOW – JILLIAN MICHAELS GETS A STANDING OVATION, for this EPIC PRESENTATION about the Chronic Disease Epidemic, one she describes as “an extinction level event”. THIS IS A MUST WATCH

“What has happened to us? I’m here to tell you, in the late 70’s and the early 80’s, a…

— Humanspective (@Humanspective) September 23, 2024

On Thursday, Texas agriculture commissioner Sid Miller published an op-ed in Fox News expressing support for Kennedy.

“Food production is not only a matter of national security and well-being – and a sizable chunk of all economic activity – it is our birthright,” he wrote. “Today, with the leadership of President Trump and RFK Jr., America stands at the edge of a new dawn in sustainable, profitable and healthy farming that preserves our environment and supports this essential American industry.”

“Making America healthy again isn’t just about how we look on the beach, it’s about healing our culture and our nation from the ground up, and we must start with our children,” he added. “President Trump will lead us into this brighter, healthier future – and he chose the right man for the job in Robert Kennedy.”



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